Who I am and why I created this web-site

   I am a card-carrying Leftie with a capital L.  On most issues you will find me leaning left of center to the chagrin of a good part of my family.  I am the token progressive among quite a number right leaning, conservative thinking and excellent Americans.  So I have some notion of both sides of the continuum which both joins and separates us.   Not that it is worth diddeley, I was at Woodstock.
   I was an early adopter of civil rights for all Americans; black, white, green, red or blue.  I worked for Cesar Chavez in the sixties and supported Latino farmworker rights in their struggle to gain some recognition as a legitimate union.   I inhaled.  And I drank the kool-aid.   On the plus-side, I believe in and support 2nd Amendment rights and I have never believed terminating a pregnancy was the optimum solution in dealing with a human life.  I am a patriotic American who believes in America in spite of all of her imperfections.  We are still the best Country on the planet in many ways.  And I think we are Great and will continue to be if we can get all of our oars in the water and start rowing in a unified direction.

And I am considering Mr. Trump as a viable candidate.

      And I think we should all take a good hard look at all of our prejudices and motivations before we make a final decision.  This is a very important time and this may be the last chance we have before some other momentous changes take place.  We would do well to study the whole spectrum of options.

     I do not have very much real knowledge of Mr. Trump.   I leave it for others to fill in the large gaps and chime in on all the positives.  And I think we should examine only the positives.  I have heard enough negatives.  I want to hear all the reasons why and how Mr. Trump would be a more effective, more dynamic, more responsive, and ultimately a better choice for America at this particular time in history.

     There are no deplorables here.   But we are the most diverse society of individuals ever amalgamated into one nation. It is no surprise we are contentious and we bicker amongst ourselves just as any family does.  But that is one reason we get a Lincoln or a Truman or a Reagan or a Kennedy.  We do not pick the easiest way.   WE constantly re-invent ourselves and re-define ourselves depending on the challenges we face.

     That is part of our strength and our resilience.  WE rise to meet challenges.
We cannot let the small ideas of our perceived differences keep us or distract us from taking all the relevant information into account.  One thing which keeps us great is that we take the best ideas available to us and somehow forge a consensus on what will be the best solution for the majority of Americans.

That is why I have decided to create a space to see if we still have the courage to look honestly at where we are at, where we have come from, and how we will get to the next landmark where we can look back and say, we used all of our powers to look impartially at all of our options.
 Let's hear the positives from all segments of our electorate.


  1. Bart

    I have learned new things about you, I didn't know you were at Woodstock or that that you worked for Cesar Chavez, that’s very cool.

    I agree with your above statements. This is not about Democrats or Republicans or Clinton or Trump, it's about the future direction these individuals will take our nation if elected. Clinton and the progressive democrats will take us down the socialistic/communistic path where individual freedoms will continually be eroded as the country is transformed to a Marxist form of government, which has failed in every country where it has been tried, as the leaders are kept in power, but the people are put under subjugation with no personal freedoms. (EG Cuba and Venezuela) I believe has a far different philosophy of what he thinks this country should be all about. Trump's view is more aligned upon the founder’s philosophy of individual rights and the right to Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Trump believes the country should be governed according to the constitution, Clinton and the progressive Democrats, have said the constitution is out of date and needs to be reinterpreted.

    Just look at the emails just released by WikiLeaks, where the Democrats have clearly said they want to have a Catholic and Evangelical Spring. To accomplish that said they want to infiltrate these organizations and start a revolution resulting in the neutering of these philosophies to conform to the philosophies of their “Marxist religion”. This neutering will take place immediately by the appointment of supreme court and Federal judges, who adhere to either a Marxist or the Founders philosophy. If Clinton gets elected she will appoint her Marist judges and If Trump gets elected Judges he will constitutional judges that support individual freedoms. So that's what's at stake in this election.

    To distract from the popularity of Trumps populist appeal, the progressives are trying to conduct a character assassination by drumming up alledged failed character traits, which has little proof. The intent is to divert attention away from Trump's populace message and cause people to vote against him on November 8, because upon manufactured failed character traits. At the same time the media totally ignores the many very real and dangerous flaws of Clinton, which has totally destabilized the Mideast and has caused tens of thousands of deaths all over the world. She emailed top secret information over a public server compromising national security. She protected and enabled her sexually addicted husband over the last 30 years as he abused dozens of women, engaged in a criminal enterprise were she was selling her office in exchange for multi-millions of dollar donations to the Clinton foundation. She sold Russians 20% of our uranium stock, in exchange for $145 million dollar contribution to the Clinton foundation. These are serious crimes and yet she's was protected by the FIB and the Justice Department. She is the first presidential candidate to ever be the subject of a FBI criminal investigation, just think about that for second. When comparing these two presidential candidates, in just looking at their characters and what they've done in their life, who do you think is the better pick? Trump built a multi-billion dollar company, has employed tens of thousands of people, and you don't do that by not knowing how to make things happen, to get along with people and make the right decisions. Then look at the extreme difference in the philosophies as I described above. So there are two criteria to look at. Each of us who will be voting, must consider these criteria and then vote for the one that best comports with your own personal criteria.


    1. how long ago working for the 'good' Chavez seems. It was to unionize the grape and lettuce workers as I recall, and to prevent crop-dusting planes from spraying while the workers were in the fields. Seems so innocent now.
      Things are so much more ratcheted up now with GMOs and corporations trying to, or getting, patents on life and particular varieties of foods. The USA has fallen behind Europe-I don't think they allow GMOs there.
      Clinton (Bill) made 26 trips to Jeffrey Epstein's private island aboard Epstein's 727 private jet, "the Lolita Express". The trips were documented by the FAA in the flight logs. Epstein is a convicted sex offender of one of the more minor crimes he has been charged with:
      Unfortunately Donald Trump also knew and socialized to some extent with Epstein. The jury is still a little out on that one, but as I mentioned in one of the posted articles, It seems Mr. Trump was at least faithful during the time he was married.
      I heard on the radio this afternoon the police are already using large data aggregators, like the ones used by big marketers to analyze the raw data of social network streams, - So when I post to facebook and use a keyword like 'black lives matter', they are already mining that data and creating lists of people to look at more closely.
      I would be suspect of wiki-leaks because at least some of their stuff is coming from Russia. Russia is a big player and has an advanced hacking program. And they are setting up pseudo websites and news bureaus all over the world to disseminate their propaganda and to paint themselves as the new 'good' guys. Actually that is one concern I have with the Donald is that they are using him by leaking some of the stuff they have hacked, but they also put their twist on it. So it is becoming very difficult to know where the info is coming from. Just be aware the Russians are 'salting' the mines to some extent. It is a pretty complicated world. The Marxist stuff has been part of the hidden agenda. I remember it from the sixties and it has ugly roots that extend back 100 or 200 hundred years. Their goal is to eliminate God from the conversation and they have been gaining on it.
      I know a small amount about the uranium deal. We are also buying rocket engines from them for NASA and weaponry. The more I think about all of this, the more my head wants to explode. I know there are many players behind the figureheads and whoever is ostensibly the President is also being played to some extent. The judicial thing is also a serious matter. And if we have time for any more long term changes? I would ask how long since they already have co-opted the minds of so many people who can accept abortion and even late term abortion.
      My only alternative, with the limited resources I command, is to try to elucidate a vision of reality which includes the Creator and tries to describe a path back to a more integrated and accurate view of the world of life which we are connected to. When people see their true connection to God, they have a real change in their hearts, and it seems to me, that drives everything else. But I am probably being naive.
      I am hoping more people will engage in the dialogue, because it helps if people are aware of the forces at work. Can you think of anyone who has a comprehensive view of all these global dynamics?


If we keep comments to the point and try to talk with respect, I think we will all get closer to our mutual goal of a united America. ( Unless you prefer a Russian or Chinese form of government, which is what we are going to get if we cannot get our act together as One Nation.)
We are great when we know we sometimes differ in our outlook but we all value America more than anywhere else in the world that cannot tolerate any differences of opinion. We get to wisdom when we listen to each other with respect.