Wednesday, October 12, 2016

I am a deplorable but I am also a decent human being. Several positive reasons to consider Donald Trump

    The real truth is that all of us, everyone is a deplorable.  We are nothing.
Without God, we are only a brief flash in the pan in the panorama of life.

    Only God and our faith in something greater than ourselves, a faith in God's spirit in all life, a faith that all of us are joined in a holy mission, and that there is something sacred about the life we share here on Mother Earth, this third rock from the Sun, is what makes us something special.  When we forget about God, we have lost our connection to what makes us Great. 

    Somehow I think the people who support Donald Trump know that.  I am not a bedrock believer in the Trump 'brand'.  I have come late to the party.  I am not totally sold that Trump is my only option, but I told you from the beginning I am a leftie.  But I am trying to be honest and I am trying to give Mr. Trump the full benefit of an honest hearing. I do not think he deserves less.
 I think he possesses several qualities we may need.

  1.  For one thing, he likes to win.  I like that.  Maybe we need that.  In addition,
he is a shrewd negotiator.  We also need that.

  2.   For another thing, I think he has shown he is capable of changing his spirit.
And he is intelligent enough to know he needs to get in touch with his spirit.

  I was a lost spirit myself and only came to see God very, very late in life.  So I understand very well the power of redemption.  And perhaps Mr. Trump has allowed his spirit to be touched by all the conversations he has had with people across this nation.  Good American people, people of belief and faith, people who are honorable, people who still believe in the common virtues, and who believe in avoiding the Seven Deadly Sins.   We could use a lot more people who are honorable because our civilization has become confused about what life is about.

   3.   Mr. Trump has shown a great discipline and focus in his pursuit of the Presidency.  It is probably true we need a model of discipline and focus.  We
need a champion to carry a torch, but I am not looking for a messiah.

   4.    Mr. Trump needs to follow through with a few specifics.   I understand that everything is a work in progress.  And we need to be flexible in how we deal with evolving situations, but we need to have some specific plans on how we get from point A to point B.  

   5.    He has dealt on the same level with those who regard themselves as the 
'elite'.   He himself thinks he is one of the elite.   That can cut both ways;  if he realizes that being part of the elite does not exempt him from being also one of the deplorables, like the rest of us, he can bring a greater understanding of how the elite think.  Perhaps he can retain a sense of being humble and bring that to the table and that could be a great asset.   On the other hand, if he becomes deluded with his own sense of power and importance and forgets that he is ultimately just a deplorable like ALL the rest of us, that would not be so good.

  6.    Mr. Trump seems to be able to recognize people who possess talent and intelligence  and to surround himself with high quality individuals.   That is a very valuable trait and takes a certain measure of modesty.   But if he can do that, then his chances of having a successful Presidency increase significantly.

  7.     I am also hoping the fact that Donald Trump is essentially a family man may come into play.   Give me a good family man everytime.   A man with a family implies a man who has some sense of responsibility to the future and some sense of the role he plays as a parent is similar to the role of the Creator in caring for His children.

    So for all of the above reasons, all more or less positives, I am willing to consider the possibility that Donald Trump may be the person America needs at this very special time in history.  I will have to decide by election day if those reasons are enough to give him this leftie's vote.  

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If we keep comments to the point and try to talk with respect, I think we will all get closer to our mutual goal of a united America. ( Unless you prefer a Russian or Chinese form of government, which is what we are going to get if we cannot get our act together as One Nation.)
We are great when we know we sometimes differ in our outlook but we all value America more than anywhere else in the world that cannot tolerate any differences of opinion. We get to wisdom when we listen to each other with respect.