Thursday, October 13, 2016


       As I have referenced before, I am just a clueless leftie, but I am one of many Americans who regard the path America has been on in the last several decades to be not entirely positive.  That may be the understatement of the century.

       And I long for the America I grew up in.   When we had a large and stable middle class and when a man's word was his bond.   We seemed to have moved quite beyond that now.   People generally do not reference the "Good Book", the Bible as the main source of truth and morality.   More's the pity.

      But we have to recognize the changes.  Pandora's box has been opened and it will take some effort to realign with fundamental values.   Sorry to say, we cannot wave a magic wand and simply return to our 'Andy of Mayberry" days.
But even if that was a Hollywood notion of America, there was quite a bit of goodness and plain American decency and even virtue modeled on the show as well as a lot of great music.  And even if Andy Griffith was a real person and portrayed a vision of America that we loved, nothing is static in the world.   We have to create the reality we want day by day and moment by moment.  There is always a choice to be made.

     The world is in a state of total confusion right now.   Some of us use the WWII expression to describe it- fubar - fowled up beyond all recognition.   I do not think I would get much argument about that now from most reasonable people,
on the right or on the left.   We all sense that the train has somehow gone off the tracks and it is hard to know how that happened and who is to blame.

     I think I see some of the things that went wrong, but I do not think it gets us very far to cast blame.

     We let our manufacturing sector abandon the US for one thing.  That decision was made in corporate boardrooms and in the halls of government.
     We let the courts mandate laws that contradicted the spirit of our founding fathers.  Defending the rights of atheists to worship nothing was not something that our founding fathers imagined.
     We have been blind-sided by a technological revolution that has enabled many wonderful things, like being able to share information widely, but has opened the door to many more forms of deception and subterfuge. 
     I could go on but the point is our Nation has lost focus.  Many have forgotten our heritage and the original intent of our founding fathers and what I think is the worst thing, many have forgotten to keep God in the equation.   For without God and a sense of reverence for Life, a positive vision of America is not possible. 

    And the most critical thing is:  a house divided against itself cannot stand
    And for that reason, I think we had all better start to see the ways we can work together and to realize there are very real dangers that we must address.
And if we refuse to talk to each other and to reason with each other, we are a lot weaker than if we establish a dialogue and are willing to listen to each others' concerns.   This leftie still loves America and sees it's greatness and I do not want to see us throw the baby out with the bath water.

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If we keep comments to the point and try to talk with respect, I think we will all get closer to our mutual goal of a united America. ( Unless you prefer a Russian or Chinese form of government, which is what we are going to get if we cannot get our act together as One Nation.)
We are great when we know we sometimes differ in our outlook but we all value America more than anywhere else in the world that cannot tolerate any differences of opinion. We get to wisdom when we listen to each other with respect.