Sunday, October 16, 2016

Newspaper, 'Arizona Republic', receives threats after endorsing Clinton

The  evidence is stacking up and people are making hard choices.  But there is no room in America for people making threats, personal threats, against individuals working for a newspaper which choses to endorse Trump's rival.

And there is really no basis for making threats against the paper itself. 

As Voltaire said,
 "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

 Not only does making threats run counter to what America is about, but it is also just plain cowardly.   It is not worthy of a real man, at least the concept of a real man that I grew up with.

If that is the type of supporter Donald Trump has inspired, I would have to call into question the example Mr. Trump is setting.   If that is what America has descended to, then maybe all of the real Americans who are supporting Mr. Trump should ask themselves what road they are trying to take America down?

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If we keep comments to the point and try to talk with respect, I think we will all get closer to our mutual goal of a united America. ( Unless you prefer a Russian or Chinese form of government, which is what we are going to get if we cannot get our act together as One Nation.)
We are great when we know we sometimes differ in our outlook but we all value America more than anywhere else in the world that cannot tolerate any differences of opinion. We get to wisdom when we listen to each other with respect.